Here's a sneaky way to get leads contacting
YOU on a daily basis, and it's 100% free.
I used this last week to get 9 paid leads into my
BUT, this will only work for July 09 so the
earlier you get in on this, the better.
Step 1: Join this popular list building service,
(see below) They are giving away 1000 credits
right now for each referral. They give you 2000
credits free just for joining.
Step 2: Get the mailing materials that they offer
you for their July promotion and blast ads out to
every other listbuilders (they'll show you how)
Step 3: From the steps above, you should easily
build up about 5000-20,000 free credits, which
means you can mail your primary to 5000-20,000
people YOUR opportunity. Remember, this is all
BONUS when people join you here, you'll be
building your list and other lists at the same
time, so you basically start a chain reaction of
free advertising!
And all this should take about 30 minutes and
you've created another excellent free lead source
for yourself.
Tell me you're going to have trouble sponsoring in
the future? You won't.
Join Now
Work At Home with a legitimate company
10 years ago
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